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spine surgery


Back Pain & Sciatica

Sciatica in simpler terms can be understood as any pain which typically starts from persons lower back or buttock area and migrates down to back of the thigh, back of the leg (ie calf area)  and may go up to foot & toes.


These fractures are extremely painful in nature and lead to very severe back pain in the patient. If these fractures don’t heal with conservative therapy of some time, kyphoplasty comes to rescue and almost gives instant relief in the low back pain and the patient is able to walk almost immediately after the procedure.


As compared to the traditional open spine surgery the minimally invasive spine surgery offers multiple benefits and also decreases the amount of complications associated with open spine surgeries. 


Scoliosis is not a new disease. It has been troubling mankind since eternity. The term refers to a sideways abnormal bent in the spinal bones of a person. In the modern world the written records of scoliosis dates back to as far as 3500 BC by Hippocrates.


Disc replacement is a relatively new procedure and it serves as an alternative to conventional fusion surgeries. Artificial cervical disc replacement surgery has gained momentum in the last few decades.

disc replacement

Cervical Spondylosis is basically the aging or wear and tear of the cervical spine, spondylitis meaning inflammation of spine. Cervical spine refers to the spinal bones in your neck which basically connects your head to the chest.

Best Spine Surgeon in Darbhanga
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